Owner of Klay Kollection

Hi! My name is Kenna and I’m really happy to be sharing these earrings with you! I started making these out of a place of love for handmade items. I love having an outlet ( outside of my full-time graphic design job ) where I can hand make something beautiful and wearable and get a break from staring at a screen. It is also important to me to be generous in giving a portion of the proceeds to a good cause.

I hope that you find as much joy in wearing them as I do in making them. Each item is unique and no two-piece is exactly the same, making each pair so special to wear! Please remember to handle them with care. They are durable, yet fragile like any of your other jewellery pieces. If you’d like to see more collections of earrings, please follow me on Instagram!

Kenna Stieve