A Path to Life

י״ב בְּכִסְלֵו תשע״ח

A path shows you where to walk. Bricks laid out before you bring guidance as to the way you go. A path means direction to the actions that you might take. There is a path taken, which aligns with destiny that leads you into what is good for your life. There is also a reality of being pulled off the Straight road. Entanglements like thistles and thorns can seek to pull us off the path, but their is One who is greater, and He allures you within the boundary lines that draw your path into pleasant places (see Psalm 16:6).

It was the entanglements like thistles and thorns that took me into the commercial sex industry at a young age. Those thistles came in the form of substances and alcohol. Another thistle was an older man who showed me the kind of attention I thought was everything. The first time he brought me into the club, I was already hooked by the false lights of attention, the whispering lies in my ear, and the easy access to the drugs and alcohol. Not once as a little girl did I ever dream of being caught off a path and brought into a system that was dark. Every single light was fake. I had become hooked into a life where coercion, manipulation, exploitation, and drug and alcohol use were the thistles and thorns that cut deep. After several years that came with an ER visit, assault, coercion, drug and alcohol addiction, and hopelessness, I finally got out. It was hope for a new way of life coupled with the knowledge that the way I was going was taking my life.

There is a path that leads to life and here at Action169, we have a current prayer focus For the Daughters. Join us in prayer for the Daughters, utilizing the power of The Word of God. Imagine what could happen, if a few faithful prayer warriors began to pray with the Word of God For The Daughters who are still in the grips of the Commercial Sex Industry?


In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps. Proverbs 16:9

In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:6

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119:105

You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. Psalm 16:11

You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Psalm 139:3

Watch as I go before you, laying out each brick that shows you where to go. I direct your path.

Prayer to be read out-loud*


Father God, thank you for the path that You lay out before me that leads to life. Thank you Father, that Your Word is a lamp that lights up my path. Thank you that You are a good Abba who loves me and leads me. Father, I come boldly before Your Throne of Grace, through the Blood of Jesus Christ that washes me clean, and I ask, that You would draw the boundary lines in pleasant places for Your Daughters who are in the sex industry. Lord, I pray that the Words they heard when they were young, would begin to arise in their thoughts, and in their dreams. Lord, as Your Child, seated with You in Heavenly places, I declare that the entanglements that seek to keep Your Daughters from the path that leads to life, be cut now, In Jesus name. I join You in saying, "Let My People Go!" In Jesus Mighty Name, Amen


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Fire in Our Hearts